Everyone should have a coach, according to Bill Gates. And he’s not alone. Steve Jobs, Bill Clinton and Oprah Winfrey have all used executive coaches.

Coaching the 21st Century Leader

Many leaders who are promoted to leadership positions because they have very strong skills for the particular job title. This doesn’t make them excellent leaders. The other important skills become vital – anything from vision and strategy, to developing gravitas and emotional intelligence – as well as clarity on people issues.

As a leader, you will find that I am a trusted sounding board and confidante, not afraid to ask pertinent questions, so that you can reach your own decisions and find your own great solutions. Because it’s often lonely at the top…

Coaching Women Leaders

For centuries men have led in business and public life. Fortunately, since the second half of the twentieth century that has begun to change and while there are more women leaders than ever before, there is still an imbalance. Women do not compete on a level playing field in the world of work.

Given this, it is not surprising that as a woman in the workplace you will need a different approach and to concentrate on some different aspects of leadership coaching to be able to hit the ground running as a great leader. In the book I co-authored: Coaching Women to Lead, (Routledge) we worked in conjunction with The London School of Economics to discover exactly what that is – and what will work best for you.


With experience of more than 20 years, Gender Equality is a passion of Helen’s. As Amy Rees Anderson says: ‘Here’s to strong women. May we know them, may we be them and may we raise them’. This is particularly true for the workplace.

Gender Diversity Consultancy

After 25 years working with gender equality – from multinationals to small businesses – and with an emphasis on helping businesses gain and keep more senior women as well as helping change work culture, I have a wealth of expertise to offer your organisation in this area. Whether it’s one senior woman at a time, or working with a cohort of future women leaders, I aim to make a difference for your workplace. I also work with the organisation, Gender Equality Cayman.

Flexible Working

Flexible work is everywhere: the majority of the world works in flexible ways. Guaranteed to improve employee engagement and productivity if managed well, you need great policies and practice in place. Creating bespoke flexible working policies for your organisation, as well as helping with implementation training for managers, I work with you so you can introduce employee-friendly, flexible and high-performing flexible working to your organisation.


Promoting wellbeing at work can prevent stress and create positive work environments where everyone can thrive. Good health and wellbeing is vital for employee engagement and organisation performance. And it all starts at the top…


I often incorporate mindfulness into my coaching work. According to Harvard* research, mindfulness is proven to help leaders manage their stress better, which in turn reduces colleague and employee stress. A less stressful working environment creates better workplaces with improved engagement/productivity and a better bottom line.

Learning about mindfulness and sharing it company-wide can also be very powerful. I work with small groups in the corporate workplace to teach the basics of mindfulness and how it may be useful within an organizational set-up. Teams tend to find that they are calmer, have more thinking space, less disputes in the workplace, along with enhanced creativity and problem solving when they practice mindfulness.**

* Harvard Business Review: Mindfulness in the Age of Complexity by Ellen Langer 2014
** What is team mindfulness and how can it boost workplace performance? Biospace 2018

mindfulness cayman